Volunteer for Vision Norfolk
Vision Norfolk has a wide variety of volunteering opportunities available. Our volunteers are involved across the organisation, from telephone befriending, to driving minibuses, fundraising, to helping out on leisure activities. There’s always something exciting happening here at Vision Norfolk.
Whether you want to volunteer weekly, monthly, or even just occasionally, we have a role to suit everyone and will work with you to find the right fit.
We provide training, on-going support, and reimbursement of expenses to all of our volunteers.
As a volunteer you will be helping blind and vision impaired people in Norfolk to live independent and fulfilled lives. Many volunteers comment on how rewarding the experience is, with a range of benefits including:
- Making a difference
- Helping people
- Increased self-confidence
- Learning valuable job skills
- Being part of a community and meeting new people
- Having fun
To become a Vision Norfolk volunteer you will need to complete an application form, complete a DBS check and undergo relevant training (free of charge).
Below are some of our current available volunteering roles.
Help alleviate isolation by making phone calls to our clients, based on general chat and light befriending. Weekly calls take place on a set day and time and can be made out of the Vision Norfolk office in Norwich, Great Yarmouth or King’s Lynn or from home.
Help to facilitate the smooth running of our Creative Writing Group in Great Yarmouth. You will facilitate discussions about the craft and practicalities of writing, sharing skills and ideas, and exploring topics.
Meet and support vision impaired people in hospital eye clinics. You will be providing valuable emotional support to patients, promoting the services offered by Vision Norfolk, and referring patients to the Eye Clinic Team if needed.
Use the Vision Norfolk minivan to transport Vision Norfolk clients to and from activities, meetings and events organised by Vision Norfolk in our minibus. Training provided.
As a befriender you will be matched with one of our clients and will visit them in their home or out in the community, in a social capacity. Befrienders play a valuable role in providing company and social interaction and easing loneliness.
Support vision impaired clients to participate in cooking sessions at our community hubs, maximizing their independence by enabling rather than doing tasks for them.
Help us reach more vision impaired people by supporting coffee morning and other activities out in the community, promoting our services at local events and supporting people to live independently in their own homes.
You will undergo training and learn to safely guide someone with sight loss, navigating environments and building self-confidence – all whilst increasing social interaction with those who may not otherwise wish to leave their home.
Assist with the running of activities and events for children, young people and families. These activities may be at one of the Vision Norfolk community hubs or external events such as bowling and zoo trips.
Support our clients to use their technology independently. The role will involve helping people in their own homes or at our hubs.
Provide transport using your own car for Vision Norfolk clients to and from activities, meetings and events organised by Vision Norfolk.
If you are interested in volunteering for Vision Norfolk please complete an application form and send it to [email protected] or if you would like any further information or just a chat about the roles, please do get in touch by email or call 01603 573000.
Download the volunteer application form by following the links below:
Vision Norfolk Volunteer Application Form – PDF