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Martin Sales

Martin Sales has been a driver volunteer with Vision Norfolk for the last ten years,  transporting visually-impaired people in his own car to and from various clubs and events run by the charity, as well as delivering and helping install visual aids equipment, and accompanying people to hospital and doctor appointments.

He says, “I was fortunate during my career to have enjoyed a challenging, interesting, varied and rewarding working life.  This provided me with a real sense of purpose and worth. I can’t deny it was a wrench when I gave this up.  However, I was determined to take up new and different challenges through voluntary work, and Vision Norfolk provided me with an opportunity which I accepted alongside other voluntary work with other charities and organisations.

“Some weeks I may have three duties and other weeks none at all.  I’m very happy with this arrangement and nothing I do interferes with the (many) holidays I take over the course of the year!

“On becoming a volunteer I was provided with first class training and throughout my time have been given excellent support and appreciation from the staff both in King’s Lynn and Norwich – they are a joy to work with.

“Volunteering with Vision Norfolk has been a thoroughly joyful and positive experience. It has helped to fill ‘the void’ left by retirement.  I really feel as if I’m doing something worthwhile and that it’s appreciated.

“The greatest inspiration I draw from all this is provided by our ‘clients’.  So many have led interesting and varied lives which I hear about through their many, often hilarious, stories.  So many face significant challenges as a result of their sight difficulties but none moan about this.  Instead they remain positive and ‘get on with life’.  I feel truly privileged, in my very small way, to support them.”